Learn Vedic Meditation
in London

Led by Jonni Pollard this September 16th - 20th

If you're in or around London, we're excited to announce that Jonni Pollard will be hosting a Vedic Meditation Course this September 2024

September 16th, 6:30pm-7:15pm, Queens Park
Join Jonni Pollard for a free introductory talk to learn more about this transformative practice

September 17th - 20th, 6:00pm-7:30pm, Notting Hill
Learn Vedic Meditation 4-day course

£850 for the Learn Vedic Meditation 4-day course

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is an effortless mental process that awakens the full potential of the mind and triggers deep rest and recovery from stress. It’s easy to learn, simple to practice, and, in only a short period of time, you will experience a remarkable transformation in your eyes-open experience of life.

The Course in London

The course runs over 4 consecutive sessions. On completion of the course, participants will have mastered the technique to practice anywhere, anytime. It is essential for all 4 sessions to be completed consecutively, as sequential knowledge is offered each day.

Course Day One:
During the first session, you will be given your own personal mantra and be instructed in the effortless technique.

Course Day Two, Three, Four:
Over the following three days, the technique is carefully examined and refined, providing you with all the experience and know-how to be completely self-sufficient in your own practice. We examine the impact of stress on the body, the nature of the mind and how meditation is an incredibly powerful technique to manage stress and sustain wellbeing. Upon completion of the course, you’ll have the experience and knowledge required to practice self sufficiently.

Meet Jonni Pollard

Jonni has been studying, practicing and teaching within the Vedic tradition under the guidance of masters for over 30 years.

After a series of powerful spiritual experiences in his late teens, he travelled to India to make sense of what was unfolding within him. In the coming years, he realized his deepest spiritual nature and that his greatest gift was his insight into himself and the ability to guide others out of suffering into their power.

Jonni is most well known as the founder of 1 Giant Mind, having taught over 1 million people through their ‘learn to meditate’ app. In the last decade, Jonni has mainly occupied his time in private practice as a spiritual mentor. During this time he has refined a system that he refers to as ‘Veda Therapy’, a spiritual based psychotherapeutic approach to healing trauma and awakening the authentic spiritual experience, It is a fusion of ancient yogic practices, Vedic knowledge and modern psychological models.

Over the past 5 years he has spent a lot of his time investing in a core group of students refining his systems of teaching in collaboration with Carla. Now they are sharing their work publicly.